Aiming for Integrity:
How well do you know plagiarism?
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A few background questions:
What is your current level of education?
Middle School
High School
College / University
Graduate Student
I'm an Educator
How would you rate your current level of understanding of plagiarism ?
Very Strong
Very Weak
Have you ever received a Turnitin Similarity Report?
Not Applicable
Have you ever had an instructor discuss plagiarism and proper citation in class?
OK, let's get to it!
What best describes the rightness or wrongness of plagiarism?
Always wrong because it is theft and fraud
Plagiarism is not a right or wrong kind of thing
In some situations, it is OK
There is nothing wrong with it
Which of the following is not an example of plagiarism?
Changing a few words of a paragraph someone else wrote
Borrowing an existing idea and presenting it as a new idea
Providing the full source for a quotation
Translating others' written work into another language without citation
None of the above
It is acceptable to copy-and-paste a sentence written by someone else into your paper and simply add quotation marks around it.
If you forget to cite a source in your paper, that is still plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a major concern only in education.
Even though no one may be harmed by it, plagiarism is still unethical.
Which of the following requires proper citation?
When I include my own ideas that are unique to the paper I am writing.
When I refer to my own papers that I have previously written.
None of the Above
Which of the following requires proper citation?
When using information from crowd-sourced sources, like Wikipedia, because they are in the public domain.
When using information that is considered common knowledge or widely accessible (for example: most of the Earth's surface is water)
None of the Above
To paraphrase properly, you need to:
Change a few words and cite it to make it your own.
Put quotation marks around the text and cite it.
Use only the idea from the text without citing it.
Summarize the text in your own words and cite it.
Say you found two papers about the same research: Paper A is the original finding; Paper B is an analysis that references Paper A. You use a section of the analysis from Paper B. Which paper do you cite?
Paper A
Paper B
Which of the following is NOT a true purpose for citation?
Citation recognizes the authors you are referencing.
Citation is used to distribute money for royalties.
Citation allows your readers to confirm that you aren’t just "making stuff up."
For a class assignment that students are to complete individually, Student A and Student B decide to collaborate. Student A compiles research notes while Student B identifies the main findings. Both write their own original research papers, and neither cite the other's work. Is this:
Unethical collaboration
Both unethical collaboration and plagiarism
Acceptable collaboration
Which of the following are realistic consequences of plagiarism?
Ruined reputation
Being suspended or expelled from school
Losing money or job
Being sued or having to face jail time
Only A and B
All of the Above
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