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Academic integrity in the age of AI

An overview of resources for educators in search of academic integrity solutions in instruction and assessment when faced with student usage of artificial intelligence tools.

AI writing tools have already shifted the way educators are approaching research, writing instruction, and assessment at a dizzying pace. Educators are tasked with figuring out what constitutes ethical usage of tools and what might be considered misuse.

The resources here provide context to educators about choices they can make to help their students navigate how and when to use these tools ethically. If the task of the educator is to prepare students for their future, then equipping students with the knowledge needed to make decisions about AI writing tool usage is essential. Like many skills, it requires careful guidance and practice to understand whether using AI writing tools is acceptable, as well as when it might stray into misuse in a particular context. Knowing when and how to use AI writing tools to complete tasks such as narrowing down research topics or refining editing and revision skills is important—just as important is knowing when it isn’t the right time to employ those tools.

As AI evolves, so will our resources, so bookmark this page and plan to revisit it regularly for helpful information and strategies.

Professional learning resources

Educator resources

Instructional resources

Student resources

The Turnitin Educator Network is a space to meet, discuss and share best practices on academic integrity in the age of AI.

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