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Blair’s top ten tips for independent study and revision

Blair Fiander
Blair Fiander
Gap Year Student
Godalming College






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Throughout my time running live study sessions over at BlairsBrainiacs, there’s plenty I’ve learned— both from my own study habits and from others—about how to get into the right mindset for study.

Whether you are revising (aka studying) for big exams, enhancing your knowledge of a particular topic, or simply wanting to practice independent study, there are a number of simple techniques you can use to make the most of your time. Here are my top ten tips:

1. Make the most of EdTech

Use the internet to access online resources such as @blairsbrainiacs on TikTok to join study lives and find revision tips, as well as joining the BlairsBrainiacs discord server for a sense of community and resources! Also, ask your teachers if your school or college has access to any EdTech tools you can use to make the most of your learning.

2. Use effective time management techniques

Make sure to balance hard work with deliberate breaks to keep you productive and reduce procrastination. Check out my previous blog on keeping motivated while studying remotely and explore the section on the Pomodoro Technique.

3. Set specific goals

This helps you stay focused and feel more motivated as you complete specific tasks.

4. Use flashcards or tools like Quizlet

These easy-to-use tools help you learn and memorise key definitions/terminology and other important facts and themes.

5. Explain concepts to others

By explaining a concept to others, you mentally process information on a deeper level. This works especially well with diagrams you have to explain!

6. Use past papers or self-testing

This identifies holes in your knowledge that you can address and reinforces the mark scheme points in your brain, so you know exactly what the assignment requires. A mark scheme is similar to a grading system, terminology that might be used in other parts of the world.

7. Organise your notes weekly

It makes revising much easier when all of your notes are in one place and easy to sort through!

8. Revise over a longer period

Adopting a "little and often" technique over a longer period of time should result in less/no cramming.

9. Do regular stress management techniques

Looking after yourself physically and mentally is super important. Try to eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly. Something I found really helpful to reduce stress was meditation.

10. Adopt a growth mindset

Rather than a fixed mindset, embrace a growth mindset where you can see results that you may not be proud of as feedback rather than failure.

Overall, know that all you can do is your best! Remember that improving in education takes time and practise and won’t necessarily be a situation where you see immediate results. Use these tips above and see what kind of progress you are able to make.

Check Blair’s Tiktok for updates on her livestream times or visit her Discord server for 24/7 peer support.