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Advancing integrity in a changing research landscape

A free guide from Turnitin

Navigate the evolving research landscape with our comprehensive eBook – your essential guide to staying ahead in a rapidly changing scholarly environment.

As recent disruptions highlight the need for reliable research solutions, institutions and organizations are prioritizing collaboration and commercialization to enhance their impact factor, meet revenue goals, and cultivate a reputation for innovation. Our eBook explores strategies for responsible research practices in this evolving landscape.

In this eBook, you’ll learn about:

  1. The role of early intervention in building a culture of research integrity
  2. Mobilizing international integrity standards and ethics to support research collaboration
  3. Navigating opportunities and challenges of research commercialization
  4. Mechanisms for upholding integrity within the research-writing and publishing process
  5. Risk mitigation strategies for research misconduct—particularly unauthorized AI writing—and avoiding fake, predatory journals