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Press releases

Turnitin celebrates 25 years in global academic integrity

Oakland, Calif.

Today, Turnitin celebrates its 25th anniversary, commemorating a quarter of a century in edtech innovation.

Monday 12 June 2023
Turnitin recognized by 2023 EdTech Digest Awards for outstanding contributions to edtech industry

Oakland, Calif.

For the 13th annual EdTech Digest Awards - the world’s largest awards program dedicated to education technology - Gradescope by Turnitin and Chief Product Officer Annie Chechitelli were recognized for their contributions in transforming education through technology by EdTech Digest.

Wednesday 10 May 2023
Academic misconduct risk plummets by 85 per cent as NextEd Group drives academic integrity with Turnitin


ASX-listed education provider empowers 200 educators at 11 brands with capabilities to optimise learning across content formats and assessment methods

Tuesday 09 May 2023
Turnitin’s ChatGPT and AI writing detection capabilities go live (Australia & New Zealand)

Australia & New Zealand

New capabilities in the existing Turnitin workflow give educators highly accurate insights into the presence of AI-generated text for more than 62 million students.

Wednesday 05 April 2023
Turnitin turns on AI writing detection capabilities for educators and institutions (Southeast Asia)


New capabilities in the existing Turnitin workflow give educators highly accurate insights into the presence of AI-generated text for more than 62 million students.

Wednesday 05 April 2023
Turnitin turns on AI writing detection capabilities for educators and institutions (NA and EMEA)

Oakland, Calif.

New capabilities in the existing Turnitin workflow give educators highly accurate insights into the presence of AI-generated text for more than 62 million students

Tuesday 04 April 2023
Turnitin announces AI writing detector and AI writing resource center for educators

Oakland, Calif.

Turnitin has successfully developed an AI writing detector and company plans to add this functionality to its core writing integrity products as early as April 2023.

Monday 13 February 2023
iMaxSoft and Turnitin complete a technical integration between Turnitin Similarity and HelloLMS

Seoul, Korea.

iMaxSoft, the developer of HelloLMS, and Turnitin, a global provider of assessment and grading solutions, have announced the completion of the technical integration between HelloLMS and Turnitin Similarity.

Monday 31 October 2022
Gradescope by Turnitin is now available in French

Oakland, Calif.

The assessment platform—known for using AI to help cut grading time in half—introduces French to its line of translated interfaces, which includes English, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese [Brazilian], Spanish, and Turkish.

Monday 18 July 2022