Bringing transparency to the writing process
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Partner Type:

  • Authorized ISV Partner
  • Technology Partner


  • Learning management system


  • Higher education
  • Professional education
  • Secondary education


From a local startup in Bergen, Norway, we have grown to a large international company, but our mission has never changed – to improve education through technology.

We believe that while technology will never replace great teachers, technology can help great teachers change lives. That’s why our cloud-based learning platform is designed for teachers and how they want to teach.

We get real teachers in real classroom situations to validate our LMS. And, we partner with the biggest and most popular technology and content providers. Today, we help millions of people around the world at all levels of education improve learning outcomes.

In December 2019, itslearning was acquired by Sanoma Group – a leading European learning and media company headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

With Sanoma’s strong financial backing and long-term focus, itslearning has strengthened its position for further development and growth.