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Using Turnitin Feedback Studio to support different forms of learning

A dynamic collection of resources and best practices to help make in-person, hybrid, remote learning, and everything in between engaging and effective.

Our community of educators and learners

These are unprecedented times for our global community. As we learn to live, work, and learn in new ways on a daily basis, Turnitin is here for you. This page features a robust, curated collection of downloadable resources, blogs, and videos to help navigate instructional shifts in secondary and higher education.

Wondering how to enhance your Turnitin Feedback Studio experience?

Turnitin Feedback Studio VidBITs

Our pedagogy and product experts here at Turnitin have partnered to make VidBITs (Video Best Instructional Tips) that will make in-person and online teaching with Feedback Studio even easier. These quick, 2-3 minute clips highlight essential features, effective shortcuts, and helpful feedback tools. Watch to review a useful best practice or to uplevel your Feedback Studio usage.

Searching for resources that amplify instruction?

Instructional resources to support remote learning

Our library of free downloadables include resources that are ready-to-use for every level of learner. From rubrics and QuickMark sets that seamlessly plug into Feedback Studio assignments to lesson seeds that can easily be incorporated throughout the semester, these resources support student learning outcomes in-person and online. Check out our highlighted resources below or visit our Resources Page to browse our full collection.

Eager for more tips, tricks, and educational best practices?

Blogs for students, educators, and administrators

Skim our selected list of posts relevant to COVID-19 instructional changes. Then, check out our main Turnitin Blog for even more information and thought leadership from and for our global learning community.

Ready for an informative webinar?

Webinars and virtual events

Find a selection of our relevant, recorded webinars below, ready to watch at any time. You can also register for upcoming Turnitin virtual events that support different forms of learning and assessment.