Bringing transparency to the writing process
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Check for similarity with the tool trusted by the world’s leading publishers, researchers, and scholars.

What you can do with iThenticate

Check against top academic content

Compare works to more than 47 billion current and archived web pages, and premium content from publishers in every major discipline and dozens of languages.

Address emerging trends in misconduct

Address emerging threats such as AI-generated content with the latest and most advanced tools to ensure the originality of your high-stakes content.

Protect your reputation

Safeguard your reputation from damaging plagiarism and copyright claims by identifying text similarity and AI-generated content early in the academic publication process.

Features Overview

iThenticate helps to check high-stakes writing for potential misconduct.

Similarity Report

An integrated, intuitive interface with match categories makes it easy to identify and evaluate originality of the high-stakes writing.

AI Writing Detection

AI writing detection

AI writing indicator and report provide insight on whether the submission contains AI-generated content.

Document collaboration

Document collaboration

Folder sharing between users and user groups facilitates collaboration between co-authors and advisers over the course of a project.

Exclusion options

Exclusion options

Automatic exclusion of preprints and other relevant, fully customizable sections helps narrow in on the most critical matches and improves efficiency of the review process.

Premium scholarly content

Check against over 190 million journal articles and subscription content sources from premier publishers, including those in our partnership with Crossref.

A look at the numbers

Trusted by top publishers

iThenticate is used by more than 1,500 top publishers around the world to screen scholarly works and manuscripts for potential plagiarism prior to publishing.


Used by leading academic publishers

Ensure integrity across sectors and uses


Surface potential plagiarism and AI-generated content prior to publication with iThenticate’s expansive content database.


Streamline the grant evaluation process and efficiently review incoming proposals for potential misconduct.


Accelerate the screening of personal essays to ensure the highest level of integrity before matriculation.


Ensure the originality of public-facing content, from legal documents to research and reporting.

Ready to talk?
Chat with an expert.

We look forward to talking with you about how iThenticate can help protect your reputation.