Bringing transparency to the writing process
Discover Turnitin Clarity

Help us shape the future of education

Beta programs ensure we deliver solutions that meet your needs

The Turnitin Product team is committed to driving innovation to shape the future of education. Ongoing, active feedback from customers is a key part of our development strategy, ensuring we deliver product releases you’ll find practical and valuable to your workflow.

We’ve been busy developing many exciting new features that will be available for beta testing over the coming months, including:

  1. Enhanced Similarity Report with improved accessibility
  2. Streamlined grading and feedback to increase student engagement
  3. AI writing indicator and cross-institution reporting advancements
  4. A student writing tool that gives instructors “proof of process” insights
  5. Digital grading of handwritten work and bubble sheets

This is your chance to test these features and influence their development before they’re released.

Apply to participate in a beta program today