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10 Quick Tips for Getting the Best Out of Feedback Studio

Are you curious to find out how you can truly take advantage of Feedback Studio's features?

John Hetherington
John Hetherington
Turnitin Product Writer






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If you're new to the Turnitin family or are simply looking to find out about Feedback Studio's fundamental features, you've come to the right place. We know it's easy to become overwhelmed when learning about new tools and how to use them correctly. Luckily, help is at hand...

Allow us to provide a quick overview of Feedback Studio, and how it can help you empower students to think critically and take ownership of their work. With easy-to-use feedback and grading features, Feedback Studio facilitates instructional intervention and saves time both in and outside of the classroom.

1. Check your student's work for appropriate citations and quotations

A student's paper is checked against the search targets you select for your assignment; this may include billions of pages of active and archived internet content, a repository of works previously submitted to Turnitin, and a repository of tens of thousands of periodicals, journals, and publications.

Remember, it is perfectly natural for an assignment to match against some of our database. If your student has used quotes and has referenced correctly, there will be instances where we will find a match. The similarity score simply makes you aware of any potential problem areas in a student's paper; you can then use this as a tool as part of a larger process in order to determine if the match is or is not acceptable.

2. View matching content on a student's paper, in-context

Selecting any instance of highlighted text on your student's paper will prompt the source box to appear on the paper; this reveals where in the original source that a piece of text is identified as matching against an external source. This may be a common phrase, or it may be something that requires investigation. Viewing matching content in-context will help you to better interpret whether a match is plagiarism.

3. Type inline comments anywhere on a student's paper

Inline comments allow you to leave text directly on top of your student's paper for extra emphasis. From the in-context marking tool (pictured), choose the T icon, then begin typing your comment. Click anywhere on the paper and the comment will automatically save. You can move a comment by clicking and dragging it to where you would like to place it.

4. Format your comments for feedback clarity

You can embolden, underline, and italicise your text comments to ensure your students are really focussing on what matters! Why not use these simple formatting tools to convert your text into hyperlinks and provide external support resources to your students?

5. Convert comments into QuickMarks for easy reuse

QuickMarks allow you to create a library of feedback that may be applicable on multiple occasions to multiple students, across multiple classes and assignments. If you think a single comment might work for future marking, then don't forget to convert it to a QuickMark to save yourself the time typing the same comment more than once.

6. Drag and drop QuickMarks anywhere on a paper

Access your library of feedback by selecting the QuickMark icon from the navigation bar. And when your library grows in size, you can use the search box to help you find a specific QuickMark. Once you've selected the QuickMark you'd like to add to the paper, just drag it from the panel and drop it onto the relevant part of the paper.

7. Leave voice comments to ensure feedback is received loud and clear

Make your feedback even more personalised with Feedback Studio's voice comments. You can access voice comments from the Feedback Summary side panel. A voice comment can be up to three minutes long. Got more to say? Write it in the feedback summary box below.

8. Use customizable rubrics and grading forms for objective grading

Rubric scorecards help to evaluate student work, based on defined criteria and scales. Rubrics and grading forms can be created by an account administrator and shared to all instructors across an account. Alternatively, instructors can send a rubric or grading form file to another instructor, who can upload it for use in their classes. Once a rubrics or grading form has been attached to an assignment, students can view this as a guide to how they will be marked, providing grading transparency across a class.

9. Assign a grade from the paper view

You can quickly assign a grade to a paper at the top of the page by inputting the grade in the relevant field. This will overwrite any grades calculated via a rubric or grading form.

10. Move quickly and easily through student submissions

Navigate through the papers that have been submitted to your assignment by moving to the top right-hand corner of the navigation frame. Here, you will find arrows to move between papers and a drop-down list that allows you to chose from all papers that have been submitted.