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A year in review: The latest and greatest Gradescope updates

From the Gradescope team

Lida Rose
Lida Rose
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Gradescope






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We added tons of enhancements to Gradescope in the past year to help support educators’ needs for assessment, grading, and feedback. Read on as we explore all the new capabilities, learn how you can influence what’s coming next, and register for our update webinar to see the newest features in action.

Updates now available in Gradescope

*Advanced features are available with an Institutional License.

Support grader and student integrity

There are risks to the integrity of your assessments on behalf of both graders and students. Are students copying off each other’s papers, or is bias creeping into the grading process? Gradescope helps you mitigate risks like this for your assignments and tests.

  1. Administer versioned exams: Secure your assessments with a streamlined workflow for grading versioned Exam / Quiz assignments that have different questions as a single exam version set. Learn how to grade versioned exams.*
  1. Grade anonymously: For templated assignments with anonymous grading enabled, the Name and ID regions specified on the Edit Outline page are redacted (hidden by black boxes) when viewing the submission. Learn how to enable anonymous grading.*
Give more effective feedback to every student

Your feedback makes the difference between a student mastering a concept or falling behind. Make sure it’s as fast, clear, and effective as possible with Gradescope.

  1. Annotate with multiple colors and emoji: Help students better understand areas of encouragement and improvement with annotations in three pen colors (green, red, and blue), or quick-apply any of the thousands of available emoji (like checkmarks, Xs, question marks, and more). Learn more about the pen and emoji annotation tools.*
  1. Control how much of the rubric students see: Show only applied rubric items for both positive and negative scoring schemes. Learn how to change rubric visibility settings.
Simplify assessment logistics at scale

Managing assessment logistics can be time consuming, especially if you’re shuffling papers. With Gradescope, they’re quick and easy to navigate.

  1. Manage assessment across course sections: Easily manage assessment logistics for large, sectioned courses. This includes managing access, assignments, submission windows, grading, statistics, and more. Learn how to manage sections.*
  1. Streamline student submissions: Students can upload their work to Gradescope with our Mobile app, available on the App Store and Google Play. Learn how students can submit via mobile app.
  1. Export submissions for online assignments: Easily export any uploaded files and a CSV of student responses for all questions on an online assignment, including timestamps. Learn how to export online assignment submissions.*
Enjoy a more accessible Gradescope

Every institution needs software that prioritizes accessibility for all users. From web to mobile, the Gradescope by Turnitin team is always enhancing our tools to be more accessible.

  1. Access Gradescope more easily: Early this year, Gradescope got a new look that supports improved accessibility across many measures. Additionally, it now uses the browser’s date/time picker, making it fully localizable and accessible via keyboard and screen reader navigation. Plus, the iOS and Android student mobile apps received dozens of accessibility upgrades to make them easier to navigate using VoiceOver and screen reader technologies. Learn more about our accessibility standards.
  1. Use Gradescope in ten languages: With the addition of four new options, educators and students everywhere can access Gradescope in ten different languages, including English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish. Learn how to update your language preference.
Ease Gradescope adoption across campus

Whether you’re training TAs or showing your colleagues how Gradescope speeds up grading, we’re here to support you. Onboarding is easier than ever.

  1. Explore Gradescope for every discipline: See demo assignments developed by real educators who use Gradescope, with examples for various subjects as well as a bubble sheet, programming, and online assignment. Find them within the new Assignment Examples course in your account, located in your first term on Gradescope. Learn more about the demo assignments.
  1. See which departments use Gradescope: Administrators can see which departments at the institution have adopted Gradescope right from their dashboard. Learn more about the Administrator Dashboard.
  1. Get the support you need: Quickly find what you need in our Help Center’s new FAQ section, equipped with fresh articles and organized by category: Instructor, Student, and General. Otherwise, if you’re looking to share Gradescope with other educators at your institution, consider joining our new Advocate Program and help get your tech-curious colleagues a robust new Trial account.
Experience a more seamless LMS integration

You use a lot of different education technologies throughout the year, and it’s important they integrate as seamlessly as possible. Updates to Gradescope’s LTI 1.3 integrations help keep your courses synced with the LMS.

  1. Keep assignments synced: Assignment names are now set in the LMS and sync to Gradescope, ensuring they always stay aligned.*
  1. Add TAs via an LTI 1.3 roster sync: Set users to the “TeachingAssistant” or “Grader” roles in your LMS to map them to the “TA” role on Gradescope by default.*
  1. Preserve historic LTI 1.0 links: Don’t worry about your historic LTI 1.0+API course or assignment links during migration* to LTI 1.3; existing links are retained while all new courses and assignments will link to LTI 1.3.*
  1. Self-serve your SSO integration: Technical Administrators who would like to set up SSO integration can configure their SAML2 integrations via a self-service tool, supported by our documentation.*
  1. Migrate your Canvas or Blackboard integration from LTI 1.0 to 1.3: Learn the benefits of migrating from LTI 1.0 to 1.3, then coordinate with your implementation consultant and use our guides for Canvas (Administrators | Instructors) or Blackboard (Administrators | Instructors) to take the next step.*
Set up programming assignments and autograders more easily

Programming assignments can be especially challenging to develop, and although autograders speed up assessment in the long run, they can require a large time investment to set up. At Gradescope, we’re always working to make it easier for you to administer assignments that require coding.

  1. Get guidance for setting up an autograder: Build your C, C++, Python, or spreadsheet-grading autograders with the support of examples from educators at leading universities around the world. Alternately, watch our video walkthrough of the setup process or our 5-part series on autograders for other languages.*
  1. Choose your base image: Select from multiple base image operating systems, versions, and variants when uploading their autograder code to Gradescope, including options for Ubuntu, Fedora, and Rocky.* Learn more about base image options.
  1. Format your code autograder output: Use HTML, Markdown, and ANSI formatting in the required results.json file for code autograders to format output for students to include line breaks, colors, and more. Learn how to add rich formatting.*
  1. Customize code autograder test case status: Customize whether autograder test cases show up as ‘correct’ (in green) or ‘incorrect’ (in red) to students regardless of points earned/lost. Learn how to set the test case status.*
Influence Gradescope’s future

Did you know in addition to all of the updates above, we also released a new public product Roadmap in the last year? Hop on over and tell us what you’d like to see built next. You can search through requests, vote on features, join the conversation, request something new, and check what we’re currently working on or beta testing. Thank you for inspiring everything we do!

See the latest features in action Webinar: The latest and greatest Gradescope updates

See everything new in the Gradescope world as Gradescope’s Product Manager, Olga Stadie, walks us through how it all works. She will cover versioned exams, anonymous grading, emoji annotations, programming assignment updates, accessibility enhancements, our new advocate program, and more. Two different dates and times are offered to accommodate your schedule:

Session 1: Wednesday, August 30, 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm BST

Session 2: Wednesday, September 6, 7am PT / 10am ET / 3pm BST

Can’t make it? Register for the webinar, and we'll send you the recording after the sessions.