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Using Turnitin's Key Features to Support Remote Learning

Turnitin Staff






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At Turnitin, we want to remind you that our solutions can support remote assessment if used in the right way...

  1. We don’t impose submission limits
    Students can submit as many times as they need across multiple classes.
  2. We don’t impose instructor limits.
    If an institution uses Turnitin, then so can any of its instructors.
  3. We accept instructor submissions.
    Our Quick Submit tool and unenrolled student feature lets instructors submit work on a students’ behalf.
  4. We provide assignment flexibility.
    Instructors can extend assignment deadlines or allow late submissions.

And if you're using Feedback Studio, don't forget that...

  1. We accept any file type.
    We provide instructors with the space to grade anything.
  2. We allow feedback en masse.
    QuickMarks allow educators to create and share a library of feedback that may be applicable across multiple classes and assignments.
    You can also create rubric scorecards and grading forms to help you evaluate student work, based on defined criteria and scales.
  3. We encourage voice feedback.
    Instructors can make their feedback personal with audio comments.
  4. We’re on iPads and iPhones.
    Wherever you are—Sofa, coffee shop, or kitchen table—you can take us with you.

Take a look at our blog containing 10 Quick Tips on Getting the Best Out of Feedback Studio: