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Turnitin Partners Program Part 1: Build, Buy, or Partner

How Turnitin’s growing partner program and the Turnitin Core API offer our partners many valuable opportunities.

Turnitin’s growing partner program and the Turnitin Core API afford our partners many valuable opportunities.

Valerie Schreiner
Valerie Schreiner
Chief Product Officer

Turnitin’s growing partner program and the Turnitin Core API afford our partners many valuable opportunities that can be applied to their organization’s “moat building.” So, if you are looking to partner and build that moat, how do you explore a “buy, build, or partner” decision to ultimately deliver exactly what your customers demand, better and faster than the competition?

Find a Partner. Build a Moat.

According to a webinar from Insight Partners about the value of ISV partner ecosystems, these relationships can strengthen business by fostering growth and creating competitive defenses. Your expertise, blended with partner capabilities, can help you build a “moat around your castle.” The moat metaphor refers to limiting or preventing competitors from easily offering what we can offer better together.

Turnitin’s growing partner program and the Turnitin Core API afford our partners many valuable opportunities that can be applied to their organization’s “moat building.” So, if you are looking to partner and build that moat, how do you explore a “buy, build, or partner” decision to ultimately deliver exactly what your customers demand, better and faster than the competition?

Evaluating Your Customer’s Needs

Suppose you are an ISV that builds and sells an application that allows expert PhDs to offer detailed feedback on university-level writing to help students improve writing skills and grades. For a variety of reasons, you want the PhD reviewers to get automated help determining if the student writing contains plagiarized passages. Or you’re a commercial blog authoring service that needs to know if your bloggers are not writing their own content. Or you could be serving any number of verticals that require authorial integrity or writing coaching.

To address your customer’s needs, you’ve already:

  • Evaluated customer needs in your target vertical:
    1. The market said this need was urgent—customers need it now
    2. The need is pervasive—many customers need it, not just one
    3. Customers are not just demanding it—they are willing to pay for it
  • Researched high-level solutions and what gaps your organization has:
    1. The technology in the solution space is something you can’t build yourself—you don’t have the funding or expertise
    2. You could partner with someone to build it—that would take years and money you don’t have, and it really isn’t in your core area of competence
  • You need to license a solution and deliver it to your customers. Looks like a job for a partnership!

    Watch this space for more posts from our Partners Team, including learning how partners help build an organization’s defensive moat.