In the news
As 'contract cheating' spreads, Oakland company deploys new tools to detect It [Turnitin Originality / Authorship Investigate]
San Francisco Chronicle | Nanette Asimov
Saturday 23 February 2019
iThenticate: A cloud-based platform that helps organizations protect their reputations by detecting plagiarism before publication | Christine Preusler
Tuesday 15 January 2019
Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence: 2018 Finalists [Unicheck]
Tech & Learning
Wednesday 02 January 2019
What to do about contract cheating [Turnitin Originality / Authorship Investigate]
Campus Technology | Dian
Wednesday 26 September 2018
‘One in seven graduates is an essay cheat’ [Turnitin Originality / Authorship Investigate]
The Times | Nicola Woolcock
Saturday 01 September 2018
How to fight back against contract cheating [Turnitin Originality / Authorship Investigate]
eCampus News | Derek Newton
Friday 16 February 2018
Turnitin announces new tool to combat contract cheating [Turnitin Originality / Authorship Investigate]
Plagiarism Today | Jonathan Bailey
Tuesday 06 February 2018
New university plagiarism software to be launched in crackdown on 'contract' cheating [Turnitin Originality / Authorship Investigate]
The Telegraph | Harry Yorke
Thursday 01 February 2018
Public schools actually embrace innovation - five examples of states, districts making tech work [Turnitin Feedback Studio]
HuffPost | Derek Newton
Thursday 27 July 2017
Plagiarism powerhouse Turnitin 'revises' the writing process [Turnitin Revision Assistant]
THE Journal | Sri Ravipati
Wednesday 05 July 2017
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