Bringing transparency to the writing process
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Partner Type:

  • Authorized ISV Partner


  • Assessment


  • Higher education


BetterExaminations is an end-to-end eAssessment and exam management platform designed in partnership with assessment stakeholders.

We empower you to authentically assess learning outcomes, lighten the load on academics and improve institutional efficiencies.

Transforming assessment isn’t about simply moving paper-based exams online. It’s about using technology to create secure, dependable, and verifiable assessment experiences. We do this while saving academic and administration staff significant amounts of time.

Securely create, approve, manage, assess, and invigilate assessments with us. From class quizzes to high-stake exams, regardless of the subject area, you can manage them all with one single, scalable system. You can deliver digital or paperbased exams or take a hybrid approach, all using one platform: BetterExaminations.

BetterExaminations facilitates assessment creation, workflow, and exam management through a modern, secure, and accessible platform.

A smart solution built to:

• Broaden assessment methods without compromising on efficiency

• Introduce digital assessment as well as manage traditional assessment approaches

• Improve the assessment experience for students

• Ease the burden for your academics

• Improve institutional efficiency

• Offer flexible proctoring and invigilation options for online exams

• Reduce assessment costs and the potential for human error