Barnet and Southgate College is a further education college in London, that provides vocational and higher education courses. Students can take classes in a wide range of subjects and Turnitin is used in every department across the college. Turnitin gives the college confidence that they are graduating students who can produce original work.
“We could be training young scientists or young lawyers or mathematicians, and we want them to deviate. We want them to stand on their own two legs with their thoughts and their sources. So, it’ s really important to self-check yourself… that is where Turnitin can really help.”
The Technology Enhanced Learning Team, which trains both instructors and students how to use Turnitin via Moodle, is responsible for this widespread adoption and commitment to academic integrity. They have heralded Turnitin’s feedback and plagiarism checking features both formative and summative tools, and they deliver training in person and via recorded videos so that staff always feel supported in their use of the tools.
“The feedback really helps students because they feel valued and that they feel listened to if they feel like their assignments are being read, but the extra part of that with Turnitin is it provides the instructor with the guides to see where the student is sourcing their information from.”
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United Kingdom And Ireland, Higher Education
“We could be training young scientists or young lawyers or mathematicians, and we want them to deviate. We want them to stand on their own two legs with their thoughts and their sources. So, it’s really important to self-check yourself… that is where Turnitin can really help.”
Barnet Southgate College
London, England
United Kingdom And Ireland, Higher Education