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The SimCheck Advantage Session 1

SimCheck, the go-forward plagiarism solution for VeriCite customers, brings the features you loved about VeriCite and combines them with a scalable cloud-based platform, a modern interface, and intuitive user experience.

SimCheck, the go-forward plagiarism solution for VeriCite customers, brings the features you loved about VeriCite and combines them with a scalable cloud-based platform, a modern interface, and intuitive user experience. And we’re not stopping there! Join this session to see SimCheck, learn more about the standout features of SimCheck and integrations with leading LMS’s, and get insight into upcoming enhancements.

Turnitin’s Director of Professional and Education Services, Jessica Bright, and the lead integration Product Manager, Jake Scutt, will lead this interactive and informative session. As you begin your migration, or even if you’re already testing, this is a session you won’t want to miss!