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Peer review and feedback

An overview, explanation of, and links to all of the resources in the Peer review and feedback set of resources.

Peer review is commonly used in secondary and higher education spaces as a fortmative tool used to improve student work through feedback provided by peers, rather than only the educator. Students work collaboratively to provide meaningful formative feedback to one another which can then be applied as revisions to the work being reviewed.

The inclusion of peer review and feedback loops should be an integral part of classroom instruction, regardless of the type of assignment or of the classroom where the assignment is made. Just as the teaching of writing is not simply the job of the writing and English instructor, neither is the inclusion of peer review and feedback in the planning of assignments. Ultimately, providing feedback and revising is about students helping peers to process, understand, and communicate information effectively. Providing peer feedback can, with practice, help students to revise their own work, as well as validate what educators say.

These ready-to-use resources can be used immediately once downloaded, and some can be edited to customize for the educator's particular classroom setting.

Planning resources

Professional learning resources

Student-facing resources

Presentation/visual resources

Assessment resources